

(incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於开曼群岛注册成立之有限公司) (Stock Code股份代号: 1313) 23 March 2017 Dear Shareholders, Letter to those shareholders who have elected to receive the corporate communications through the Company’s official website for corporate communications We hereby notify you that the following corporate communications of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited (the “Company”) in both English and Chinese are now available on the Company’s official website for Corporate CommunicationsNote at www.irasia.com/listco/hk/crcement/index.htm Annual Report 2016; Circular dated 23 March 2017 relating to proposals for general mandates to repurchase shares and issue shares and reelection of retiring directors and notice of annual general meeting; and Proxy form for use at the annual general meeting on 12 May 2017. Please note that the annual general meeting of the Company will be held at 50th Floor, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong on Friday, 12 May 2017 at 3:30 p.m. Shareholders who have chosen to receive the Company’s Corporate Communications by electronic means through the Company’s official website for Corporate Communications at www.irasia.com/listco/hk/crcement/index.htm in lieu of printed form and, for any reason have difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the above documents, will upon request in writing to the Company’s Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, be promptly sent such documents in printed form free of charge. Please kindly complete Part A of the attached Instruction Slip and return the completed Instruction Slip to the Company’s Share Registrar by facsimile at (852) 2861 1465, by email at crcement1313-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com or by post using the pre-paid envelope provided. Please note that you may change your choice of means of receipt (whether by positive consent or by deemed consent) at any time, free of charge by completing Part B of the Instruction Slip and returning the completed Instruction Slip to the Company’s Share Registrar using any of the above-mentioned methods. A copy of the Instruction Slip can also be obtained from the Company’s Share Registrar. If you have any queries relating to this letter, please call our Share Registrar’s investor services hotline at (852) 2980 1333 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited ZHOU Longshan Chairman Encl. Note: Corporate Communications refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for information or action of holders of securities of the Company, including but not limited to annual report, summary financial report (where applicable), interim report, summary interim report (where applicable), notice of meeting, listing document, circular and proxy form. 敬启者: 致已选择以本公司公司通讯之官方网站收取公司通讯之股东 吾等现谨通知 阁下,华润水泥控股有限公司( 「本公司」) 的下述公司通讯的英文本及中文本,现已登载於本公司公司通讯 注 之官方网站www.irasia.com/listco/hk/crcement/index.htm 二零一六年年报; 日期为二零一七年三月二十三的通函,乃有关购回及发行股份之一般授权及重选退任董事之建议及股东周年大会通 告;及 用於二零一七年五月十二日股东周年大会的代表委任表格。 请注意本公司之股东周年大会将於二零一七年五月十二日(星期五) 下午三时三十分假座香港湾仔港湾道26号华润大厦50楼 举行。 已选择透过本公司公司通讯之官方网站(www.irasia.com/listco/hk/crcement/index.htm)以电子方式浏览本公司公司通讯以取代收 取印刷本的股东,如因任何理由以致收取或接收上述文件上出现困难,只要向本公司股份过户登记处卓佳证券登记有限公司提出书 面要求,均可立即获免费发送该等文件的印刷本。请 阁下填妥随附指示回条甲部,并将已填妥之指示回条传真至(852) 2861 1465、 电邮至crcement1313-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com或以已预付邮费的信封寄回本公司股份过户登记处。 请注意 阁下可以随时透过填写指示回条乙部更改已选择的收取方式(不论是正面同意或是被视为同意的情况),费用全免。 填妥的指示回条须透过上述任何一种方式交回本公司股份过户登记处。股东亦可向本公司股份过户登记处索取该指示回条。 如 阁下对本函件有任何疑问,请於星期一至星期五(公众假期除外) 上午9时至下午5时致电本公司股份过户登记处的投资 者服务热线(852) 2980 1333。 此 致 列位股东 台照 代表 华润水泥控股有限公司 周龙山 主席 谨启 二零一七年三月二十三日 附件 注: 公司通讯指由本公司发出或将予发出以供公司证券持有人参照或采取行动的任何文件,其中包括但不限於年报、财务摘要报告(如适用)、中 期报告、中期摘要报告(如适用)、会议通告、上市文件、通函及代表委任表格。 INSTRUCTION SLIP 指示回条 (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於开曼群岛注册成立之有限公司) (Stock Code股份代号: 1313) Please complete, sign and return this instruction slip to the Share Registrar of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited (the “Company”), Tricor Investor Services Limited, by facsimile at (852) 2861 1465, by email at crcement1313-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com or by post using the pre-paid envelope provided. 请填妥及签署下列指示回条, 并传真至 (852) 2861 1465、电邮至 crcement1313-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com 或以已提供之预付邮费的信封寄回 华润水泥控股有限公司( 「本公司」) 股份过户登记处 卓佳证券登记有限公司。 Part A �C To receive a printed version of the Annual Report 2016, the Circular dated 23 March 2017 and the Proxy Form for use at the annual general meeting on 12 May 2017 (the “Enclosed Document”): 甲部-收取二零一六年年报、二零一七年三月二十三日之通函及用於二零一七年五月十二日股东周年大会之代表委任表格 ( 「随附文件」)之印 刷本: I/We have chosen to receive the Enclosed Document by electronic means through the Company’s official website for Corporate Communications* but would like to receive them in printed form. 本人�u吾等已选择透过本公司公司通讯*之官方网站以电子方式浏览随附文件,但希望收取其印刷本。 Part B �C To elect/change the means of receipt of future Corporate Communications: 乙部-选择�u更改日後收取公司通讯之形式: I/We would like to receive the Company’s future Corporate Communications: 关於本公司日後发布的公司通讯,本人�u吾等欲: (Please tick only one box)(只可选择一项,请於以下适当的空格加上「 」号) in printed form; or 只收取印刷本;或 by electronic means in lieu of printed form. 以电子方式取代印刷本。 My/Our email address: 本人�u吾等的电邮地址: (Please ensure your email address is properly filled in for the purpose of receiving the notification of release of Corporate Communications) (请确保填上正确的电邮地址以作收取公司通讯发布的通知之用) Name(s) of Shareholder(s) in English (Please use BLOCK LETTERS ) Name(s) of Shareholder(s) in Chinese 股东的英文名称(请以大楷 书写) 股东的中文名称 Registered address of Shareholder(s) 股东的登记地址 Contact telephone number 联络电话 Signature(s) Date: 签署: 日期: Notes: 1. The above instruction will apply to all Corporate Communications to be sent to you until you inform us otherwise. 2. If any shares are held in joint names, all joint holders OR the joint holder whose name stands first on the Company’s register of members should sign this form in order for it to be valid. 3. This instruction slip with no box ticked, with more than one box ticked, or otherwise incorrectly completed will be voided at the discretion of the Company. 4. Printed versions of all the Company’s future Corporate Communications will be available on request in writing to the Share Registrar of the Company. Such Corporate Communications will also be available on the website at www.irasia.com/listco/hk/crcement/index.htm. * Corporate Communications refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for information or action of holders of securities of the Company, including but not limited to annual report, summary financial report (where applicable), interim report, summery interim report (where applicable), notice of meeting, listing document, circular and proxy form. 注: 1. 上述指示将适用於本公司将会发送给 阁下的所有公司通讯文件,直至 阁下另行通知为止。 2. 如任何股份以联名方式持有,则所有联名持有人或名列本公司股东名册的首名联名持有人须於本表格上签署,方为有效。 3. 如未有在任何上述适当空格加上「 」号,或在超过一个空格加上「 」号,或在其他方面填写不正确,本公司可酌情决定将本指示回条作废。 4. 本公司日後所有公司通讯的印刷本,可透过书面通知向本公司股份过户登记处索取。该等公司通讯文件亦载列於网站(www.irasia.com/listco/hk/crcement/index.htm)。 * 公司通讯指由本公司发出或将予发出以供本公司证券持有人参照或采取行动的任何文件,其中包括但不限於年报、财务摘要报告(如适用)、中期报告、中期摘 要报告(如适用)、会议通告、上市文件、通函及代表委任表格。
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