

This Application Form uses the same terms as defined in the prospectus of Hospital Corporation of China Limited (the “Company”) dated Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (the “Prospectus”). 本申请表格使用弘和仁爱医疗集团有限公司(「本公司」)於二零一七年二月二十八日(星期二)刊发的 招股章程(「招股章程」)所界定的相同词语。 Neither this Application Form nor the Prospectus constitutes an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any Hong Kong Offer Shares in any jurisdiction other than Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Offer Shares may not be offered or sold in the United States without registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act. 本申请表格及招股章程概不构成在香港以外司法权区要约出售或游说要约购买任何香港发售股份。 若无根据美国证券法登记或豁免登记,香港发售股份不得在美国提呈发售或出售。 This Application Form and the Prospectus may not be forwarded or distributed or reproduced (in whole or in part) in any manner whatsoever in any jurisdiction where such forwarding, distribution or reproduction is not permitted under the law of that jurisdiction. 任何根据当地法例不得发送、派发或复制本申请表格及招股章程的司法权区内概不得发送或派发或 复制(不论方式,也不论全部或部分)本申请表格及招股章程。 Copies of the Prospectus, all related Application Forms and the other documents specified in the “Documents Delivered to the Registrar of Companies and Available for Inspection” section in Appendix V to the Prospectus, have been registered by the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong as required by Section 342C of the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”), Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (“HKSCC”), the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (the “SFC”) and the Registrar of Companies of Hong Kong take no responsibility for the contents of these documents. 招股章程、所有相关申请表格及招股章程附录五「送呈公司注册处处长及备查文件」一节所述其他文件 已遵照香港法例第32章《公司(清盘及杂项条文)条例》第342C条的规定送呈香港公司注册处处长登记。 香港交易及结算所有限公司、香港联合交易所有限公司(「联交所」)、香港中央结算有限公司(「香港结 算」)、香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(「证监会」)及香港公司注册处处长对此等文件的内容概不负责。 弘和仁爱医疗集团有限公司 Hospital Corporation of China Limited (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於开曼群岛注册成立的有限公司) Stock code : 3869 股份代号: 3869 Maximum Offer Price : HK$15.00 per Hong Kong Offer Share, plus brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% (payable in full on application in Hong Kong dollars and subject to refund) 最高发售价: 每股香港发售股份15.00港元,另加1%经纪佣金、 0.0027%证监会交易徵费及0.005%联交所交易费 (须於申请时以港元缴足,多缴款项可予退还) You should read this Application Form in conjunction with the Prospectus, which contains further information on the application procedures. 招股章程尚有其他关於申请程序的其他资料,本申请表格应与招股章程一并阅读。 Application Form 申请表格 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的 香港发售股份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投 资者户口持有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 Staple your payment here 请将股款 紧钉在此 致: 弘和仁爱医疗集团有限公司 独家保荐人 独家全球协调人 独家账簿管理人 香港承销商 申请人声明 本人/吾等同意本申请表格及招股章程的条款及条件 以及申请程序。见本申请表格「填交本申请表格的效 用」一节。 警告:任何人士只限作出一次为其利益而进行的认购 申请。请参阅「填交本申请表格的效用」一节最後四 点。 To: Hospital Corporation of China Limited Sole Sponsor Sole Global Coodinator Sole Bookrunner Hong Kong Underwriter Applicants’ declaration I/We agree to the terms and conditions and application procedures in this Application Form and the Prospectus. Please refer to the “Effect of completing and submitting this Application Form” section of this Application Form. Warning: Only one application may be made for the benefit of any person. Please refer to the last four bullets of “Effect of completing and submitting this Application Form” section. Sample 条文 交易所有 (「证监会」)及 仁爱医疗集团有限公 疗集团有 pital Corporation of China L rporation of C corporated in the Cayman Islands with lim in the Cayman Island (於开曼群岛注册成立的有限公 於开曼群岛注册成 Stock code : 3869 ck code : 股份代号: 386 Maximum Offer Price : H Maximum Offer Price : 最高发售 最 ou should read this Application Form i u should read this Application pp a n the application procedures. he application procedure pp p S 股章程尚有其他关於申请程序的 股章程尚有其他关於申请 pp p al Corporation of Ch l Corpora sor Coodina er 样版 日 ation of an off n of ffer Shares may not Shares may n nder the U.S. Securities A r the U.S. Securi 要约购买任何香港发售股 约购买任何香港发 提呈发售或出售。 呈发售或出售。 ted or reproduced (in whole or in part) in ed or reproduced (in whole or in ution or reproduction is not permitted under ion or reproduction is not permitted under 股章程的司法权区内概不得发送或派发或 司法权区内概不得发送或 股章程。 章程。 other documents specified in the “Documents Deliv r documents specified in the “Documents D n” section in Appendix V to the Prospectus, hav tion in Appendix V to the Prospectus, h s required by Section 342C of the Companies (Wi required by Section 342C of the Companies (W 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Hong Kong Exc he Laws of Hong Kong). Hong Kong E Limited (the “Stock Exchange”), Hong Kong Sec ”), Hong Kong d Futures Commission of Hong Kong (the “ utures Commission of Hong Kong (the “SFC”) lity for the contents of these documents. the contents of these documents. 附录五「送呈公司注册处处长及备查文件 「送呈公司注册处处长及备查文 文)条例》第342C条的规定送呈香港公 条的规定送呈香 有限公司司(「 (「联交所」)、香港中央 、香港中 及香港公司注册处处长对此 港公司注册处处长 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的 香港发售股份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投 资者户口持有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 Signed by (all) applicant(s) (all joint applicants must sign): 由(所有)申请人签署(所有联名申请人必须签署): ................................................................................................................ Date: 日期:..................../..................../.................... D 日 M 月 Y 年 Number of Hong Kong Offer Shares applied for (not more than 1,666,800 shares) 申请香港发售股份数目(不超过1,666,800股股份) Total amount 总额 HK$ 港元 Name in English 英文姓名/名称 Family name or company name 姓氏或公司名称 Forename(s) 名字 Name in Chinese 中文姓名/名称 Family name or company name 姓氏或公司名称 Forename(s) 名字 Occupation in English 职业(以英文填写) Names of all other joint applicants in English (if any) 所有其他联名申请人的英文姓名/名称(如有) 1) 2) 3) Hong Kong address in English and telephone no. (joint applicants should give the address and the telephone number of first-named applicant only) 香港地址(以英文填写)及电话号码(联名申请人只须填写排名首位申请人的地址及电话号码) Telephone No. 电话号码 For Nominees: You will be treated as applying for your own benefit if you do not complete this section. Please provide an account number or identification code for each (joint) beneficial owner. 由代名人递交: 代名人若不填写本节,是项认购申请将视作为 阁下利益提 出。请填写每名(联名)实益拥有人的账户号码或识别编码。 ADDRESS LABEL 地址标贴(Your name(s)and address in Hong Kong in BLOCKletters 请用英文正楷填写 阁下姓名�u名称及 香港地址) For Internal use 此栏供内部使用 For Broker use 此栏供经纪填写 Lodged by 递交申请的经纪 Broker No. 经纪号码 Broker’s Chop 经纪印章 Cheque/banker’s cashier order number 支票/银行本票号码 Name of bank on which cheque/Banker’s cashier order is drawn (see “How to make your application” section) 兑现支票/银行 本票的银行名称(见「申请手续」一节) Hong Kong Identity Card No./Passport No./Hong Kong Business Registration No.* (Please delete as appropriate) 香港身份证号码/ 护照号码/香港商业登记号码*(请删除不适用者) Hong Kong Identity Card No./Passport No./Hong Kong Business Registration No. of all other joint applicants*(Please delete as appropriate) 所有其他联名申请人的香港身份证号码/护照号码 /香港商业登记号码*(请删除不适用者) 1) 2) 3) THIS BOX MUST BE DULY COMPLETED 必须填妥此栏 Participant I.D. of the CCASS Investor Participant or designated CCASS Participant 中央结算系统投资者户口 持有人或指定的中央结算系统参与者的参与者编号 For designated CCASS Participant or Corporate CCASS Investor Participant, please also affix the company chop bearing its company name 指定的中央结算系统参与者或中央结算系统 公司投资者户口持有人,请加盖显示公司名称的公司印监 (See paragraph 2 in the section “How to make your application”) (请参阅「申请手续」一节第2段) Sample le Forena pl (if any) 名称(如有) mpl mp n English and telephone no. (joint applicants sho d telephone no. (joint applicants sho 以英文填写)及电话号码(联名申请人只须 及电话号码(联名申 g p (j pp p(j Sam Nominees: You will be treated as applying for you ominees: You will be treated as appl ou do not complete this section. Please provide an do not complete this section. Pleas entification code for each (joint) beneficial own ification code for each (joint) ben 名人若不填写本节,是项认购申请将 人若不填写本节,是项认 (j ) j 请填写每名(联名)实益拥有人的 请填写每名(联名)实 S ple EL EL地址标贴 tters 请用 Hong Kong Iden ong Kong Iden Registration No.* (P egistration No.* 护照号码/香港商业 护照号码/香港 g( g ple pHong Kong Identity Hong Ko Registration No gist appropriate) pr 所 /香港商业 pp p ) p1) p2) 样版 name(s) ame(s) 名字 样 me(s) 名字 样版版 number ber 支票/银行本票号码 支票/银行本票 样版 h cheque/Banker cheque/Banker’s cashier order is drawn your application pplication”section) 兑现支票/银行 (见「申请手续」一节) 请手续」 ypp tity Card N dN Please d 业登 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的 香港发售股份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投 资者户口持有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 * (1) If you are a CCASS Investor Participant, only a Hong Kong Identity Card number (if you are an individual) or a Hong Kong Business Registration number (if you are a body corporate) will be accepted for this application, please see paragraph 2 under the section “How to make your application”. 如 阁下为中央结算系统投资者户口持有人,是项申请仅接纳香港身份证号码(如属个别人士) 或香港商业登记号码(如属法人团体);请参阅「申请手续」一节第2段。 (2) If you are applying through a designated CCASS Participant (other than a CCASS Investor Participant): For an individual, you must provide your Hong Kong Identity Card number or passport number. If you hold a Hong Kong Identity Card, please provide that number. If you do not hold a Hong Kong Identity Card, please provide your passport number. For a body corporate, please provide your Hong Kong Business Registration number. 如 阁下透过中央结算系统投资者户口持有人以外的指定中央结算系统参与者提出申请:如属 个别人士,必须填写 阁下的香港身份证号码或护照号码(持有香港身份证者请填写香港身份证 号码,否则请填写护照号码);如属法人团体,请填写香港商业登记号码。 (3) Part of the Hong Kong Identity Card number/passport number of you or, for joint applicants, the first-named applicant may be printed on your refund cheque (if any). Such data will be used for checking the validity of Application Form and such data would also be transferred to a third party for such purpose and refund purpose. Your banker may require verification of your Hong Kong Identity Card number/passport number before you can cash your refund cheque. 退款支票(如有)上或会印有 阁下或(如属联名申请人)排名首位申请人的香港身份证号码�u护 照号码的一部分。有关资料将用於核实申请表格的有效性,亦会转交第三方作资料核实和退 款。银行兑现退款支票前或会要求查证 阁下的香港身份证号码�u护照号码。 (4) If an application is made by an unlisted company and: the principal business of that company is dealing in securities; and you exercise statutory control over that company, then the application will be treated as being made for your benefit. 倘若申请人是一家非上市公司,而: 该公司主要从事证券买卖业务;及 阁下对该公司可行使法定控制权, 是项申请将视作为 阁下的利益提出。 (5) All joint applicants must give (if they are individuals) their Hong Kong Identity Card numbers or, where applicable, passport numbers, or (if they are bodies corporate) their Hong Kong Business Registration numbers. 所有联名申请人必须提供(如属个别人士)其香港身份证号码或(如适用)护照号码,或(如属法人 团体)其香港商业登记号码。 Sample ny) ferred to ng Kong Identity Identity 或(如属联名申请人) (如属联名申请人排名首 排名 用於核实申请表格的有效性,亦会 申请表格的有效性 会要求查证 阁下的香港身份证号码 证 阁下的香 an unlisted company and: company and: ss of that company is dealing in securitie company is dealing i tutory control over that company, rol over that company on will be treated as being made for your treated as being made for you 是一家非上市公司,而: 非上市公司,而: 司主要从事证券买卖业务;及 事证券买卖业务 阁下对该公司可行使法定控制权, 公司可行使法定控 是项申请将视作为 阁下的利益提出 项申请将视作为 阁下的利 5) All joint applicants must give (if they All joint applicants must gi passport numbers, or (if they are passport numbers, or (if 所有联名申请人必须提供 所有联名申请人 )其香港商业登记 其香港商 样版 码(如属 (如 SS Investor Participant): For S Investor Participant) t number. If you hold a Hong Kong t number. If you hold a Hong ng Identity Card, please provide your dentity Card, please provide your g Business Registration number. usiness Registration numb 定中央结算系统参与者提出申请:如 中央结算系统参与者提出申请 号码(持有香港身份证者请填写香港身 号码(持有香港身份证者请填写香港 填写香港商业登记号码。 填写香港商业登记号码 t number of you or, for joint applicants ber of you or, for joint applica . Such data will be used for che Such data will be used for a third party for such purp rd party for such purp y Card number/pass Card number/p 首位申 This page is intentionally left blank 此乃白页 特意留空 Sample le page is intentionally left blank ge is intentionally left blan ple 此乃白页 特意留空 页 特意留空 样版 样 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant How to make your application 1. Use the table below to calculate how much you must pay. Your application must be for a minimum of 200 Hong Kong Offer Shares and in one of the numbers set out in the table, or your application will be rejected. * Maximum number of Hong Kong Offer Shares that may apply for 2. You, as the applicant(s), must complete the form in English as indicated below and sign on the second page of the Application Form. Only written signatures will be accepted (and not by way of personal chop). If you are applying through a designated CCASS Participant (other than a CCASS Investor Participant): the designated CCASS Participant must endorse the form with its company chop (bearing its company name) and insert its participant I.D. in the appropriate box. If you are applying as an individual CCASS Investor Participant: the form must contain your NAME and Hong Kong I.D. Card number. your participant I.D. must be inserted in the appropriate box. If you are applying as a joint individual CCASS Investor Participant: the form must contain all joint investor participants’ NAMES and the Hong Kong I.D. Card number of all joint investor participants; your participant I.D. must be inserted in the appropriate box. If you are applying as a corporate CCASS Investor Participant: the form must contain your company NAME and Hong Kong Business Registration number; your participant I.D. and your company chop (bearing your company name) must be inserted in the appropriate box. Incorrect or omission of details of the CCASS Participant including participant I.D. and/ or company chop bearing its company name or other similar matters may render your application invalid. NUMBER OF HONG KONG OFFER SHARES THAT MAY BE APPLIED FOR AND PAYMENTS Number of Amount payable Number of Amount payable Number of Amount payable Hong Kong Offer on application Hong Kong Offer on application Hong Kong Offer on application Shares applied for HK$ Shares applied for HK$ Shares applied for HK$ 200 3,030.23 400 6,060.46 600 9,090.69 800 12,120.92 1,000 15,151.16 1,200 18,181.39 1,400 21,211.62 1,600 24,241.85 1,800 27,272.08 2,000 30,302.31 3,000 45,453.47 4,000 60,604.62 5,000 75,755.78 6,000 90,906.93 7,000 106,058.09 8,000 121,209.24 9,000 136,360.40 10,000 151,511.55 20,000 303,023.10 30,000 454,534.65 40,000 606,046.20 50,000 757,557.75 60,000 909,069.30 70,000 1,060,580.85 80,000 1,212,092.40 90,000 1,363,603.95 100,000 1,515,115.50 200,000 3,030,231.00 300,000 4,545,346.50 400,000 6,060,462.00 500,000 7,575,577.50 600,000 9,090,693.00 700,000 10,605,808.50 800,000 12,120,924.00 900,000 13,636,039.50 1,000,000 15,151,155.00 1,666,800 * 25,253,945.15 Sample that may apply for or omplete the form in English as indicated b e form in English as i tten signatures will be accepted (and not b ures will be accepted gh a designated CCASS Participant (othe ed CCASS Parti CASS Participant must endorse the form w icipant must endorse t participant I.D. in the appropriate box. t I.D. in the appropriate box. ying as an individual CCASS Investor Pa ndividual CCASS Investor Pa m must contain your NAME and Hong K ntain your NAME and Hong K r participant I.D. must be inserted in the a .D. must be inserte u are applying as a joint individual CCAS ying as a joint individu the form must contain all joint investo the form must contain all joi joint investor participants; joint investor participant your participant I.D. must be in participant I.D. If you are applying as a corporate If you are applying as a the form must contain yo the form mus your participant I.D. an our participa t or omission o t or om y name o le 75 909,0 1,060,580. 060,580. 000 1,212,092.40 90,000 1,363,603.95 ,000 1,363, 样版 rejected ejec 样版版 D PAYMENTS AYM 样 ber of Amount payable f Amount p Kong Offer on application Kong Offer on applica 版 ares applied for HK$ 24 60.40 0.40 1,511.55 55 303,023.10 303,023. 454,534.65 4,534.65 606,046.20 ,046.20 7,557.75 69.30 30 85 100,000 1,515,115.50 100,000 1,515,115.5 200,000 3,030,231.00 0,000 3,030,231.0 300,000 4,545,346.50 300,000 4,545,346. 400,000 6,060,462 500,000 7,575,5 0,000 7,575 600,000 9,09 600,000 9 700,000 10 700,000 800,000 00,0 900,000 1,000,00 ,000 1,666 ,6 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant 3. Staple your cheque or banker’s cashier order to the form. Each application for the Hong Kong Offer Shares must be accompanied by either one separate cheque or one separate banker’s cashier order. Your application will be rejected if your cheque or banker’s cashier order does not meet all the following requirements: The cheque must: Banker’s cashier order must: be in Hong Kong dollars; not be post-dated; be made payable to “Wing Lung Bank (Nominees) Limited ― Hospital Corporation Public Offer”; be crossed “Account Payee Only”; be drawn on your Hong Kong dollar bank account in be issued by a licensed bank in Hong Kong, and have Hong Kong; and your name certified on the back by a person authorised show your account name, which must either be by the bank. The name on the banker’s cashier order pre-printed on the cheque, or be endorsed on the back must correspond with your name. If it is a joint by a person authorised by the bank. This account application, the name on the back of the banker’s cashier name must correspond with your name. If it is a joint order must be the same as the first-named applicant’s application, the account name must be the same as name. the first-named applicant’s name. 4. Tear off the Application Form, fold it once and lodge your completed Application Form (with cheque or banker’s cashier order attached) to one of the collection boxes at any of the following branches of: Wing Lung Bank Limited District Branch Name Address Hong Kong Island Head Office 45 Des Voeux Road Central, Central Johnston Road Branch 118 Johnston Road, Wan Chai Kennedy Town Branch 28 Catchick Street, Kennedy Town Kowloon Mongkok Branch B/F Wing Lung Bank Centre, 636 Nathan Road, Mong Kok Tsim Sha Tsui Branch 4 Carnarvon Road, Tsim Sha Tsui San Po Kong Branch 8 Shung Ling Street, San Po Kong New Territories Tsuen Wan Branch 251 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan 5. Your Application Form can be lodged at these times: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 2, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 3, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 6, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 7, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 9, 2017 ― 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 6. The latest time for lodging your application is 12:00 noon on Thursday, March 9, 2017. The application lists will be open from 11:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon on that day, subject only to the weather conditions, as described in the section headed “How to Apply for the Hong Kong Offer Shares �C 10. Effect of Bad Weather on the Opening of the Application Lists” in the Prospectus. The application for the Hong Kong Offer Shares will commence on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 through Thursday, March 9, 2017, being slightly longer than normal market practice of four days. The application monies (including the brokerages, SFC transaction levies and Hong Kong Stock Exchange trading fees) will be held by the receiving bank on behalf of the Company and the refund monies, if any, will be returned to the applicants without interest on Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Investors should be aware that the dealings in the Shares on the Stock Exchange are expected to commence on Thursday, March 16, 2017. Sample your com es at any of th e Address Addre fice 45 Des Voeux 45 Des ton Road Branch 118 Johnsto Branch ennedy Town Branch 28 Catch wn Branch Mongkok Branch B/F k Branch 6 Tsim Sha Tsui Branch im Sha Tsui Branch San Po Kong Branch ries Tsuen Wan Branch Tsuen Wan Branch pplication Form can be lodged at these tim Form can be lodged a Tuesday, February 28 Tuesday, Febr Wednesday, March Wednesda Thursday, Ma Thurs Friday, M Monday Tuesd Wedn T ime for lod i :45 a 样版版 poration Public Offer oration Public Of ”; 版 a licensed bank in Hong Kong, and have bank in Hong Kong, and certified on the back by a person authorised certified on the back by a person autho bank. The name on the banker The name on the banker’s cashier ord s cashier t correspond with your name. If it is a joint correspond with your name. If it is a join pplication, the name on the back of the banker tion, the name on the back of the banke order must be the same as the first-named order must be the same as the first-nam name. ame. mpleted Application Form (w ted Application Form he following branches ollowing branc 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的香港发售股 份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投资者户口持 有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 申请手续 1. 使用下表计算 阁下应付的款项。 阁下申请认购的股数须至少为200股香港发售股份,并为下 表所列的其中一个数目,否则恕不受理。 * 阁下可申请认购的香港发售股份最高数目 2. 阁下作为申请人,必须按照下列指示以英文填妥表格,并於申请表格第二页签署,只接纳亲笔 签名(不得以个人印章代替)。 如 阁下透过中央结算系统投资者户口持有人以外的指定中央结算系统参与者提出申请: 该指定中央结算系统参与者必须於表格盖上公司印监(附有公司名称),并在适当方格内填 写参与者编号。 如 阁下以个人中央结算系统投资者户口持有人名义提出申请: 表格须载有 阁下的姓名和香港身份证号码。 须在适当方格内填写 阁下的参与者编号。 如 阁下以联名个人中央结算系统投资者户口持有人名义提出申请: 表格须载有所有联名投资者户口持有人的姓名和香港身份证号码; 须在适当方格内填写 阁下的参与者编号。 如 阁下以公司中央结算系统投资者户口持有人名义提出申请: 表格须载有 阁下的公司名称和香港商业登记号码; 须在适当方格内填写 阁下的参与者编号并盖上公司印监(附有公司名称)。 中央结算系统参与者的资料(包括参与者编号及�u或显示公司名称之公司印监)如有不确或遗漏 或其他类似事项,均可能导致申请无效。 可供申请认购的香港发售股份数目及应缴款项一览表 申请认购的 申请时 申请认购的 申请时 申请认购的 申请时 香港发售 应缴款项 香港发售 应缴款项 香港发售 应缴款项 股份数目 港元 股份数目 港元 股份数目 港元 200 3,030.23 400 6,060.46 600 9,090.69 800 12,120.92 1,000 15,151.16 1,200 18,181.39 1,400 21,211.62 1,600 24,241.85 1,800 27,272.08 2,000 30,302.31 3,000 45,453.47 4,000 60,604.62 5,000 75,755.78 6,000 90,906.93 7,000 106,058.09 8,000 121,209.24 9,000 136,360.40 10,000 151,511.55 20,000 303,023.10 30,000 454,534.65 40,000 606,046.20 50,000 757,557.75 60,000 909,069.30 70,000 1,060,580.85 80,000 1,212,092.40 90,000 1,363,603.95 100,000 1,515,115.50 200,000 3,030,231.00 300,000 4,545,346.50 400,000 6,060,462.00 500,000 7,575,577.50 600,000 9,090,693.00 700,000 10,605,808.50 800,000 12,120,924.00 900,000 13,636,039.50 1,000,000 15,151,155.00 1,666,800 * 25,253,945.15 Sample 数目 按照下列指示以英文填妥表格,并於 指示以英文填妥表 章代替)。 央结算系统投资者户口持有人以外的 统投资者户口持有人 央结算系统参与者必须於表格盖上 统参与者必须於表格盖上 与者编号。 下以个人中央结算系统投资者户口 央结算系统投资 表格须载有 阁下的姓名和香港身 载有 阁下的姓名和 须在适当方格内填写 阁下的参 须在适当方格内填写  如 阁下以联名个人中央结算系 如 阁下以联名个人中央 表格须载有所有联名投资 表格须载有所有联 须在适当方格内填写 须在适当方 阁下以公司中央结 阁下以公司 格须载有  格须 当方 le e 6 757 909,069 9,06 00 1,060,580.85 ,060,580. 0,000 1,212,092.40 000 1,212,092.40 90,000 1,363,603.95 ,000 1,363,603.95 样版 售股 样版版 表 样 请认购的 请认 申请时 请时 香港发售 应缴款项 样版 股份数目 港元 9.24 360.40 40 51,511.55 51,511.5 303,023.10 03,023.10 454,534.65 534.65 606,046.20 6,046.20 557.75 75 9.300 5 100,000 1,515,115.50 00,000 1,515,115.5 200,000 3,030,231.00 00 3,030,231.0 300,000 4,545,346.5 300,000 4,545,346 400,000 6,060,46 6,060,4 500,000 7,575 500,000 7 600,000 9, 600,000 9 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,0 ,0 1,66 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的香港发售股 份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投资者户口持 有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 3. 阁下须将支票或银行本票钉於表格上。每份香港发售股份申请须附一张独立开出支票或一张独 立开出银行本票。支票或银行本票必须符合以下所有规定,否则有关的认购申请不获接纳: 支票必须: 银行本票必须: 为港元; 不得为期票; 注明抬头人为「永隆银行受托代管有限公司-弘和仁爱公开发售」; 划线注明「只准入抬头人账户」; 从 阁下在香港的港元银行账户中开出;及 须由香港持牌银行开出,并由有关银行授权 显示 阁下的账户名称,而该账户名称必须 的人士在银行本票背面签署核证 阁下姓名 已预印在支票上,或由有关银行授权的人士 /名称。银行本票所示姓名/名称须与 阁 在支票背书。账户名称必须与 阁下姓名/ 下姓名/名称相同。如属联名申请,银行本 名称相同。如属联名申请,账户名称必须与 票背面所示姓名/名称必须与排名首位申请 排名首位申请人的姓名/名称相同。 人的姓名/名称相同。 4. 请撕下申请表格,对摺一次,然後将填妥的申请表格(连同支票或银行本票)投入下列任何一家 分行特设的收集箱: 永隆银行有限公司 地区 分行名称 地址 香港岛 总行 中环德辅道中45号 庄士敦道分行 湾仔庄士敦道118号 坚尼地城分行 坚尼地城吉席街28号 九龙 旺角分行 旺角弥敦道636号永隆银行中心地库 尖沙咀分行 尖沙咀加拿分道4号 新蒲岗分行 新蒲岗崇龄街8号 新界 荃湾分行 荃湾沙咀道251号 5. 阁下可於下列时间递交申请表格: 二零一七年二月二十八日(星期二) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月一日(星期三) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月二日(星期四) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月三日(星期五) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月六日(星期一) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月七日(星期二) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月八日(星期三) - 上午九时正至下午五时正 二零一七年三月九日(星期四) - 上午九时正至中午十二时正 6. 截止递交申请的时间为二零一七年三月九日(星期四)中午十二时正。本公司将於当日上午十一 时四十五分至中午十二时正期间登记认购申请,唯一会影响此时间的变化因素为当日的天气情 况(详见招股章程「如何申请香港发售股份-10.恶劣天气对办理申请登记的影响」一节)。 香港发售股份申请将会自二零一七年二月二十八日(星期二)起直至二零一七年三月九日(星期 四)止,较一般市场惯例四天略长。申请款项(包括经纪佣金、证监会交易徵费及联交所交易费) 将由收款银行代表本公司持有,且退款金额(如有)将於二零一七年三月十五日(星期三)不计利 息退还予申请人。投资者务请注意,预期股份将於二零一七年三月十六日(星期四)於联交所开 始买卖。 Sample 地址址 中环德辅道中 环德辅道中45号 分行 湾仔庄士敦道 湾仔庄士敦道118号 城分行 坚尼地城吉席街 坚尼地城吉 28 角分行 旺角弥敦道 旺角弥 6 尖沙咀分行行 尖沙咀加拿 尖 新蒲岗分行 岗分行 新蒲岗崇 荃湾分行 荃 下列时间递交申请表格: 递交申请表格: 二零一七年二月二十八日(星期 一七年二月二十八日 二零一七年三月一日(星 二零一七年三月一 二零一七年三月二日( 二零一七年三 二零一七年三月三 零一七年 二零一七年三月 二零一七 二零一七年三 二零 二零一七年 二零 二零一七 二 申请的时 申 至中 样版版 牌银行开出,并由有关银行授权 行开出,并由有关银行授权 银行本票背面签署核证 阁下姓名 银行本票背面签署核证 阁下姓 。银行本票所示姓名/名称须与 阁 银行本票所示姓名/名称须与  姓名/名称相同。如属联名申请,银 名/名称相同。如属联名申请,银 票背面所示姓名/名称必须与排名首 面所示姓名/名称必须与排名首 人的姓名/名称相同。 请表格格(连同支票或银行本票)投入 (连同支票或银行本票)投 号 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant 弘和仁爱医疗集团有限公司 Hospital Corporation of China Limited (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) GLOBAL OFFERING Conditions of your application A. Who can apply 1. You and any person(s) for whose benefit you are applying must be 18 years of age or older and must have a Hong Kong address. 2. If you are a firm, the application must be in the individual members’ names. 3. The number of joint applicants may not exceed 4. 4. If you are a body corporate, the application must be signed by a duly authorised officer, who must state his representative capacity, and stamped with your corporation’s chop. 5. You must be outside the United States, not be a United States Person (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) and not be a legal or natural person of the PRC. 6. Unless permitted by the Listing Rules, you cannot apply for any Hong Kong Offer Shares if you: are an existing beneficial owner of Shares in the Company and/or any its subsidiaries; are a Director or chief executive officer of the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries; are a close associate (as defined in the Listing Rules) of any of the above; are a connected person (as defined in the Listing Rules) of the Company or will become a connected person of the Company immediately upon completion of the Global Offering; and have been allocated or have applied for any International Offer Shares or otherwise participate in the International Offering. B. If you are a nominee You, as a nominee, may make more than one application for the Hong Kong Offer Shares by: (i) giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) (if you are a CCASS Participant); or (ii) using a WHITEor YELLOW Application Form, and lodge more than one application in your own name on behalf of different beneficial owners. C. Effect of completing and submitting this Application Form By completing and submitting this Application Form, you (and if you are joint applicants, each of you jointly and severally) for yourself or as an agent or a nominee on behalf of each person for whom you act: undertake to execute all relevant documents and instruct and authorise the Company and/or the Sole Global Coordinator (or its agents or nominees), as agents of the Company, to execute any documents for you and to do on your behalf all things necessary to register any Hong Kong Offer Shares allocated to you in the name of HKSCC Nominees as required by the Articles of Association; agree to comply with the Companies Ordinance, the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance and the Articles of Association; confirm that you have read the terms and conditions and application procedures set out in the Prospectus and in this Application Form and agree to be bound by them; confirm that you have received and read the Prospectus and have only relied on the information and representations contained in the Prospectus in making your application and will not rely on any other information or representations except those in any supplement to the Prospectus; confirm that you are aware of the restrictions on the Global Offering in the Prospectus; agree that none of the Company, the Sole Global Coordinator, the Sole Sponsor, the Sole Bookrunner, the Sole Lead Manager, the Underwriters, their respective directors, officers, employees, partners, agents, advisers and any other parties involved in the Global Offering is or will be liable for any information and representations not in the Prospectus (and any supplement to it); undertake and confirm that you or the person(s) for whose benefit you have made the application have not applied for or taken up, or indicated an interest for, and will not apply for or take up, or indicate an interest for, any Offer Shares under the International Offering nor participated in the International Offering; agree to disclose to the Company, the Hong Kong Share Registrar, receiving bank, the Sole Global Coordinator, the Sole Sponsor, the Sole Bookrunner, the Sole Lead Manager, the Underwriters and/or their respective advisers and agents any personal data which they may require about you and the person(s) for whose benefit you have made the application; if the laws of any place outside Hong Kong apply to your application, agree and warrant that you have complied with all such laws and none of the Company, the Sole Global Coordinator,the Sole Sponsor, the Sole Bookrunner, the Sole Lead Manager, the Underwriters nor any of their respective officers or advisers will breach any law outside Hong Kong as a result of the acceptance of your offer to purchase, or any action arising from your rights and obligations under the terms and conditions contained in the Prospectus and this Application Form; agree that once your application has been accepted, you may not rescind it because of an innocent misrepresentation; agree that your application will be governed by the laws of Hong Kong; represent, warrant and undertake that (i) you understand that the Hong Kong Offer Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act; and (ii) you and any person for whose benefit you are applying for the Hong Kong Offer Shares are outside the United States (as defined in Regulation S) or are a person described in paragraph (h)(3) of Rule 902 of Regulation S; warrant that the information you have provided is true and accurate; agree to accept the Hong Kong Offer Shares applied for, or any lesser number allocated to you under the application; authorise the Company to place the name of the HKSCC Nominees on the Company’s register of members as the holder(s) of any Hong Kong Offer Shares allocated to you, and the Company and/or its agents to deposit any Share certificate(s) into CCASS and/or to send any refund cheque(s) to you or the first-named applicant for joint application by ordinary post at your own risk to the address stated on the application, unless you fulfill the criteria mentioned in the section headed “How to Apply for the Hong Kong Offer Shares �C 14. Despatch/ Collection of Share Certificates and Refund Monies �C Personal Collection” in the Prospectus to collect the Share certificate(s) and/or refund cheque(s) in person; Sample or mpany he Company Company Listing Rules) of of d in the Listing Rules) ting Rules me a connected person of d person of pon completion of the Global on of the Global have applied for any International for any Interna rwise participate in the International pate in the International ee make more than one application for the Hong an one application for the Hong y: (i) giving electronic application instructions electronic application instructions ntral Clearing and Settlement System ( and Settlement System “CCASS ASS Participant); or (ii) using a or (ii) using WHITE ITEor E YELL Form, and lodge more than one application in yo odge more than one applic ehalf of different beneficial owners. half of different beneficial owners. Effect of completing and submitting this Appli ffect of completing and submitting completing and submitting this Application Form ompleting and submitting this Applic re joint applicants, each of you jointly and severally oint applicants, each of you jointly n agent or a nominee on behalf of each person gent or a nominee on behalf of ea undertake to execute all relevant docu undertake to execute uthorise the Company and/or the S uthorise the Compan gents or nominees), as agents nee ocuments for you and t cuments for y to register any Ho to regis ame of HKSCC me with in Off agree Registrar Registr Sponsor, th Sponsor, t Underwriters Underwrite personal data w personal d person(s) for whose person(s) f if the laws of any f the la application, agre pp such laws a su Coordinato Lead M office a re 样版 u are aware of the restrictions on the Global aware of the restrictions on the Global he Prospectus; s; none of the Company, the Sole Global Coordinato one of the Company, the Sole Global Coor Sponsor, the Sole Bookrunner, the Sole Lead Mana nsor, the Sole Bookrunner, the Sole Lead M nderwriters, their respective directors, officers, emp riters, their respective directors, officers, em rtners, agents, advisers and any other parties invol ers, agents, advisers and any other parties inv Global Offering is or will be liable for any info l Offering is or will be liable for any inf representations not in the Prospectus (and any representations not in the Prospectus (and it); undertake and confirm that you or the person undertake and confirm that you or the pe you have made the application have not ou have made the application ha or indicated an interest for, and will n or indicated an interest for, and w ndicate an interest for, any Offer S e an interest for, any Offer ering nor participated in the g nor participated to disclose to the Co disclose to the , receiving bank, receiving bank he Sole Boo Bo and/or h Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant agree that the shares to be allotted shall be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees and deposited directly into CCASS for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS participant; agree that each of HKSCC and HKSCC Nominees reserves the right (1) not to accept any or part of such allotted shares issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees or not to accept such allotted shares for deposit into CCASS; (2) to cause such allotted shares to be withdrawn from CCASS and issued in your name at your own risk and costs; and (3) to cause such allotted shares to be issued in your name (or, if you are a joint applicant, to the firstnamed applicant) and in such a case, to post the certificates for such allotted shares at your own risk to the address on your application form by ordinary post or to make available the same for your collection; agree that each of HKSCC and HKSCC Nominees may adjust the number of allotted shares issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees; agree that neither HKSCC nor HKSCC Nominees shall have any liability for the information and representations not so contained in the Prospectus and this Application Form; agree that neither HKSCC nor HKSCC Nominees shall be liable to you in any way; declare and represent that this is the only application made and the only application intended by you to be made to benefit you or the person for whose benefit you are applying; understand that the Company and the Sole Global Coordinator will rely on your declarations and representations in deciding whether or not to make any allotment of any of the Hong Kong Offer Shares to you and that you may be prosecuted for making a false declaration; (if the application is made for your own benefit) warrant that no other application has been or will be made for your benefit on a WHITEor YELLOWApplication Form or by giving electronic application instructionsto HKSCC or to the White Form eIPO Service Provider by you or by any one as your agent or by any other person; and (if you are making the application as an agent for the benefit of another person) warrant that (i) no other application has been or will be made by you as agent for or for the benefit of that person or by that person or by any other person as agent for that person on a WHITEor YELLOWApplication Form or by giving electronic application instructionsto HKSCC; and (ii) you have due authority to sign the Application Form or give electronic application instructionson behalf of that other person as their agent. D. Power of attorney If your application is made through an authorised attorney, the Company and the Sole Global Coordinator may accept or reject your application at their discretion, and on any conditions they think fit, including evidence of the attorney’s authority. Determination of Offer Price and Allocation of Hong Kong Offer Shares The Offer Price is expected to be fixed on or around Thursday, March 9, 2017. Applicants are required to pay the maximum Offer Price of HK$15.00 for each Hong Kong Offer Share together with 1% brokerage, 0.0027% SFC transaction levy and 0.005% Stock Exchange trading fee. If the Offer Price is not agreed between the Company and the Sole Global Coordinator (on behalf of the Underwriters) on or before Thursday, March 9, 2017, the Global Offering will not proceed. Applications for Hong Kong Offer Shares will not be processed and no allotment of any Hong Kong Offer Shares will be made until the application lists close. The Company expects to announce the final Offer Price, the level of indication of interest in the International Offering, the level of applications in the Hong Kong Public Offering and the basis of allocation of the Hong Kong Offer Shares on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 in South China Morning Post (in English) and Hong Kong Economic Times (in Chinese) and on the website of the Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hkand the Company’s website at www.hcclhealthcare.com. Results of allocations in Hong Kong Public Offering, and the Hong Kong Identity Card/passport/Hong Kong business registration numbers of successful applicants (where applicable) will be available on the above websites. If your application for Hong Kong Offer Shares is successful (in whole or in part) If your application is wholly or partially successful, your Share certificate(s) (subject to their becoming valid certificates of title provided that the Hong Kong Public Offering has become unconditional and not having been terminated at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 16, 2017) will be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees and deposited directly into CCASS for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant as instructed by you in your Application Form on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 or, in the event of a contingency, on any other date as shall be determined by HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees. If you are applying through a designated CCASS Participant (other than a CCASS Investor Participant): For Hong Kong Offer Shares credited to the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant (other than a CCASS Investor Participant), you can check the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares allotted to you with that CCASS Participant. If you are applying as a CCASS Investor Participant: The Company expects to publish the results of CCASS Investor Participants’ applications together with the results of the Hong Kong Public Offering in South China Morning Post (in English) and Hong Kong Economic Times (in Chinese) and on the website of the Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hkand the Company’s website at www.hcclhealthcare.comon Wednesday, March 15, 2017. You should check the announcement published by the Company and report any discrepancies to HKSCC before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 or such other date as shall be determined by HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees. Immediately after the credit of the Hong Kong Offer Shares to your stock account you can check your new account balance via the CCASS Phone System and CCASS Internet System (under the procedures contained in HKSCC’s “An Operating Guide for Investor Participants” in effect from time to time). HKSCC will also make available to you an activity statement showing the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares credited to your stock account. No receipt will be issued for application money paid. The Company will not issue temporary documents of title. Refund of your money If you do not receive any Hong Kong Offer Shares or if your application is accepted only in part, the Company will refund to you your application monies (including the related 1% brokerage, 0.0027% SFC transaction levy and 0.005% Stock Exchange trading fee) without interest. If the Offer Price is less than the maximum Offer Price, the Company will refund to you the surplus application monies (including the related 1% brokerage, 0.0027% SFC transaction levy and 0.005% Stock Exchange trading fee) without interest. The refund procedures are stated in the section headed “How to Apply for the Hong Kong Offer Shares �C 14. Despatch/Collection of Share Certificates and Refund Monies” in the Prospectus. Sample u dinator n deciding decid e Hong Kong ong Kong uted for making king enefit) warrant that no ade for your benefit on a benefit on a tion Form or by giving or by giving onsto HKSCC or to the or to s Whitete r by you or by any one as your any one a n; and pplication as an agent for the benefit of n agent for the benefit of ant that (i) no other application has been no other application has been y you as agent for or for the benefit of that nt for or for the benefit of that t person or by any other person as agent for that y any other person as agent for that WHITEor YELLOW ELLO Application Form or b pplication ctronic application instructions ion instru to HKSCC; and to HK s ve due authority to sign the Application Form o ority to sign the Applicat tronic application instructions ronic application instructionson behalf of t on erson as their agent. son as their agent. Power of attorney Power of at your application is made through an autho our application is made throug mpany and the Sole Global Coordinator ma pany and the Sole Global Coor ation at their discretion, and on any ation at their discretio g evidence of the attorney e at ’s aut n of Offer Price and n of Offer xpected to e req App a contin or HKSC If you (other than other t Shares credit Shares cred Participant (oth Participant check the number check the n with that CCASS P with that C If you are apply Company exp Co Participants P Kong Pu and H we 样版 Wed nglish) an lish) n the website o e w nd the Company the Company’s w lts of allocations in Hong s of allocations in H Kong Identity Card/passport/H Identity Card/passp umbers of successful applicants (wher mbers of successful applican ble on the above websites. le on the above websites. or Hong Kong Offer Shares is successful (in g Kong Offer Shares is successful (in tion is wholly or partially successful, your Sha on is wholly or partially successful, you (subject to their becoming valid certificates o ject to their becoming valid certificates that the Hong Kong Public Offering has ditional and not having been terminated at 8:0 al and not having been terminated at 8 rsday, March 16, 2017) will be issued in the nam rsday, March 16, 2017) will be issued in th Nominees and deposited directly into CCASS fo minees and deposited directly into CCASS CCASS Investor Participant stock account or t S Investor Participant stock account our designated CCASS Participant as inst esignated CCASS Participant as lication Form on Wednesday, March 1 cation Form on Wednesday, Mar ngency, on any other date as sha y, on any other date as sh C Nominees. ominees. are applying through e applying thro n a CCASS Inve a CCASS In ed to the s er th 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的香港发售股 份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投资者户口持 有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 弘和仁爱医疗集团有限公司 Hospital Corporation of China Limited (於开曼群岛注册成立的有限公司) 全球发售 申请条件 甲、可提出申请的人士 1. 阁下及 阁下为其利益提出申请的人士必须年满18岁 并有香港地址。 2. 如 阁下为公司,申请须以个别成员名义提出。 3. 联名申请人不得超过四名。 4. 如 阁下为法人团体,申请须经获正式授权人员签 署,并注明其所属代表身份及盖上公司印监。 5. 阁下必须身处美国境外,并非美国籍人士(定义见美 国证券法S规例),亦非中国法人或自然人。 6. 除上市规则批准外,下列人士概不得申请认购任何香 港发售股份: 本公司及/或其任何附属公司股份的现有实益拥 有人; 本公司及/或其任何附属公司的董事或行政总 裁; 上述任何人士的紧密联系人(定义见上市规 则); 本公司的关连人士(定义见上市规则)或紧随全 球发售完成後成为本公司关连人士的人士;及 已获分配或已申请认购任何国际发售股份或以其 他方式参与国际发售的人士。 乙、如 阁下为代名人 阁下作为代名人可提交超过一份香港发售股份申请,方法 是:(i)透过中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」)向香港 结算发出电子认购指示(如 阁下为中央结算系统参与 者);或(ii)使用白色或黄色申请表格以自身名义代表不同 的实益拥有人提交超过一份申请。 丙、填交本申请表格的效用 阁下填妥并递交本申请表格,即表示 阁下(如属联名申 请人,即各人共同及个别)代表 阁下本身,或作为 阁 下代其行事的每位人士的代理或代名人: 承诺签立所有相关文件,并指示及授权本公司及�u或 作为本公司代理的独家全球协调人(或其代理或代名 人),代表 阁下签立任何文件及代表 阁下进行一 切必需事宜,并为按照组织章程细则的规定将 阁下 获分配的任何香港发售股份以香港结算代理人的名义 登记; 同意遵守公司条例、公司(清盘及杂项条文)条例及组 织章程细则; 确认 阁下已细阅招股章程及本申请表格所载的条款 及条件以及申请程序,并同意受其约束; 确认 阁下已接获及细阅招股章程,提出申请时也仅 依据招股章程载列的资料及陈述,而除招股章程任何 补充文件外,不会依赖任何其他资料或陈述(招股章 程任何补充文件所载者除外); 确认 阁下知悉招股章程内有关全球发售的限制; 同意本公司、独家全球协调人、独家保荐人、独家账 簿管理人、独家牵头经办人、承销商、彼等各自的董 事、高级职员、雇员、合夥人、代理、顾问及参与全 球发售的任何其他各方现时及日後均毋须对并非载於 招股章程(及其任何补充文件)的任何资料及陈述负 责; 承诺及确认 阁下或 阁下为其利益提出申请的人士 并无申请或接纳或表示有意认购(亦不会申请或接纳 或表示有意认购)国际发售的任何发售股份,也没有 参与国际发售; 同意应本公司、香港证券登记处、收款银行、独家全 球协调人、独家保荐人、独家账簿管理人、独家牵头 经办人、承销商及/或彼等各自的顾问及代理的要 求,向其披露其可能要求提供有关 阁下及 阁下为 其利益提出申请的人士的任何个人资料; 若香港境外任何地方的法例适用於 阁下的申请,则 同意及保证 阁下已遵守所有有关法例,且本公司、 独家全球协调人、独家保荐人、独家账簿管理人、独 家牵头经办人、承销商以及彼等各自的任何高级职员 或顾问概不会因接纳 阁下的购买要约,或 阁下在 招股章程及申请表格所载条款及条件下的权利及责任 所引致的任何行动,而违反香港境外的任何法例; 同意 阁下的申请一经接纳,即不得因无意的失实陈 述而撤销; 同意 阁下的申请受香港法例管辖; 声明、保证及承诺:(i)阁下明白香港发售股份不曾亦 不会根据美国证券法登记;及(ii)阁下及 阁下为其利 益申请香港发售股份的人士均身处美国境外(定义见S 规例),或属S规例第902条第(h)(3)段所述的人士; 保证 阁下提供的资料真实及准确; 同意接纳所申请数目或根据申请分配予 阁下但数目 较少的香港发售股份; 授权本公司将香港结算代理人的名称列入本公司股东名 册,作为 阁下获分配的任何香港发售股份的持有人, 并授权本公司及�u或其代理以普通邮递方式按申请所示 地址向 阁下或联名申请排名首位的申请人发送任何股 票及�u或电子退款指示及/或任何退款支票,邮误风险 由 阁下承担,除非 阁下符合招股章程「如何申请香 港发售股份-14.发送�u领取股票及退款-亲身领取」一 节所述标准以亲身领取股票及/或退款支票; 同意获配发的股份是以香港结算代理人的名义发行, 并直接存入中央结算系统,以便记存於 阁下的中央 结算系统投资者户口持有人股份户口或 阁下的指定 中央结算系统参与者股份户口; Sample 香 实益拥 实益 董事或行政总 或行政总 人(定义见上市规 市 义见上市规则) 则)或紧随全 公司关连人士的人士;及 士的人士 认购任何国际发售股份或以其 际发售股份或 发售的人士。 士。 人 提交超过一份香港发售股份申请,方法 份香港发售股份申请,方法 结算及交收系统 系统(「中央结算系统 央结算系统」) 」向香港港 认购指示(如 阁下为中央结算系统参 如 阁下为中央结算 使用白色或黄色申请表格以自身名义代表 表格以自身 有人提交超过一份申请。 有人提交超过一份申 填交本申请表格的效用 下填妥并递交本申请表格,即表示 阁下 填妥并递交本申请表格,即表 请人,即各人共同及个别) 人,即各人共同及个别)代表 阁下本 代表 代其行事的每位人士的代理或代名人 其行事的每位人士的代理 承诺签立所有相关文件,并指示 承诺签立所有相关 为本公司代理的独家全球 理的 代表 阁下签立任 代表 阁下 宜,并为按照 宜 何香港发 或 参与 同意应 同意应 球协调人 经办人、承销 经办人、 求,向其披露其 求,向其披 其利益提出申请 其利益提 若香港境外任 若 同意及保证 同 独家全球 家牵头 或顾 样版 知悉招股章程内有关全球发售的限制; 股章程内有关全球发售的限 司、独家全球协调人、独家保荐人、独家账 司、独家全球协调人、独家保荐人、 人、独家牵头经办人、承销商、彼等各自 独家牵头经办人、承销商、彼等各 高级职员、雇员、合夥人、代理、顾问及 球发售的任何其他各方现时及日後均毋须对 售的任何其他各方现时及日後均毋须 招股章程(及其任何补充文件) (及其任何补充文 的任何资 任 责; 责 承诺及确认 阁下或 阁下为其利 承诺及确认 阁下或 阁下为其 并无申请或接纳或表示有意认购 并无申请或接纳或表示有意 或表示有意认购) 示有意认购国际发售的 国际发售 与国际发售; 际发售 本公司、香港证 本公司、香港 、独家保荐 保荐 销商及 如 阁下欲以香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司(「香港结算代理人」)的名义登记将获发行的香港发售股 份,并直接存入中央结算及交收系统(「中央结算系统」),以记存於 阁下的中央结算系统投资者户口持 有人股份户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口,请使用本表格 同意香港结算及香港结算代理人各自保留权利(1)不 接纳以香港结算代理人名义发行的该等获配发的任何 或部分股份,或不接纳该等获配发的股份存入中央结 算系统;(2)促使该等获配发的股份从中央结算系统 提取,并转入 阁下名下,有关风险及费用概由 阁 下自行承担;及(3)促使该等获配发的股份以 阁下 名义发行(或如属联名申请人,则以排名首位申请人 的名义发行),而在此情况下,会以普通邮递方式将 该等获配发股份的股票寄往 阁下在申请表格上所示 地址(邮误风险概由 阁下自行承担)或提供该等股票 予 阁下领取; 同意香港结算及香港结算代理人均可调整获配发以香 港结算代理人名义发行的股份数目; 同意香港结算及香港结算代理人对招股章程及本申请 表格未有载列的资料及陈述概不负责; 同意香港结算及香港结算代理人概不以任何方式对  阁下负责; 声明及表示此乃 阁下为本身或 阁下为其利益提出 申请的人士提出及拟提出的唯一申请; 明白本公司及独家全球协调人将依据 阁下的声明及 陈述而决定是否向 阁下分配任何香港发售股份,  阁下如作出虚假声明,可能会被检控; (如本申请是为 阁下本身利益提出)保证 阁下或作 为 阁下代理的任何人士或任何其他人士不曾亦不会 为 阁下利益而以白色或黄色申请表格或向香港结算 或白表eIPO服务供应商发出电子认购指示而提出其 他申请;及 (如 阁下作为代理为另一人士的利益提出申请)保证 (i) 阁下(作为代理或为该人士利益)或该人士或任何 其他作为该人士代理的人士不曾亦不会以白色或黄色 申请表格或向香港结算发出电子认购指示而提出其他 申请;及(ii) 阁下获正式授权作为该人士的代理代 为签署申请表格或发出电子认购指示。 丁、授权书 如 阁下透过授权人士提出申请,本公司及独家全球协调 人可按其认为合适的条件(包括出示获授权证明)酌情接纳 或拒绝 阁下的申请。 厘定发售价及香港发售股份的分配 预期发售价於二零一七年三月九日(星期四)或前後厘定。 申请人须缴付每股香港发售股份15.00港元的最高发售价, 另加1%经纪佣金、0.0027%证监会交易徵费及0.005%联交 所交易费。倘若本公司与独家全球协调人(代表承销商)并 无於二零一七年三月九日(星期四)或之前协定发售价,全 球发售将不会进行。 截止登记认购申请前概不处理香港发售股份的申请或配发 任何香港发售股份。 本公司预期於二零一七年三月十五日(星期三)在《南华早 报》(以英文)、《香港经济日报》(以中文)、联交所网站 (www.hkexnews.hk)及本公司网站(www.hcclhealthcare.com) 公布最终发售价、国际发售踊跃程度、香港公开发售认购 水平及香港发售股份分配基准。香港公开发售的分配结果 以及获接纳申请人的香港身份证�u护照�u香港商业登记号 码(如适用)亦同於上述网站公布。 如 阁下成功申请认购香港发售股份(全部或部分) 如 阁下的申请全部或部分获接纳, 阁下的股票(前提是 到二零一七年三月十六日(星期四)上午八时正香港公开发 售成为无条件而并无终止,股票成为有效的所有权证明)将 以香港结算代理人名义发出,并按 阁下在申请表格的指示 於二零一七年三月十五日(星期三)或在特别情况下由香港 结算或香港结算代理人指定的任何其他日期直接存入中央结 算系统,记入 阁下的中央结算系统投资者户口持有人股份 户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者股份户口。 如 阁下透过中央结算系统投资者户口持有人以外的 指定中央结算系统参与者提出申请:香港发售股份将 存入 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者(非中央结算 系统投资者户口持有人)股份户口, 阁下可向该中 央结算系统参与者查询 阁下获配发的香港发售股份 数目。 如 阁下以中央结算系统投资者户口持有人身份提出 申请:本公司预期於二零一七年三月十五日(星期三) 在《南华早报》(以英文)、《香港经济日报》(以中文)、 联交所网站(www.hkexnews.hk)及本公司网站 (www.hcclhealthcare.com)刊登中央结算系统投资者 户口持有人的申请结果及香港公开发售的结果。 阁 下应查阅本公司刊发的公告,如有任何资料不符,请 於二零一七年三月十五日(星期三)或香港结算或香港 结算代理人厘定的任何其他日期下午五时正前知会香 港结算。在香港发售股份存入 阁下的股份户口 後, 阁下即可透过「结算通」电话系统及中央结算系 统互联网系统(根据香港结算当时生效的《投资者户口 操作简介》所载程序)查询 阁下的新户口结余。香港 结算亦将向 阁下提供一份活动结单,列出存入 阁 下股份户口的香港发售股份数目。 本公司不会就申请时缴付的款项发出收据,亦不会发出临 时所有权文件。 退回款项 若 阁下未获分配任何香港发售股份或申请仅部分获接 纳,本公司将不计利息退回 阁下的申请股款(包括相关的 1%经纪佣金、0.0027%证监会交易徵费及0.005%联交所交 易费)。如最终厘定的发售价低於最高发售价,本公司将不 计利息退回多收申请股款(包括相关的1%经纪佣金、 0.0027%证监会交易徵费及0.005%联交所交易费)。 有关退款程序载於招股章程「如何申请香港发售股份-14. 发送�u领取股票及退款」一节。 Sample 声明及 股份,  股份, 保证 阁下或作作 他人士不曾亦不会 曾亦不 申请表格或向香港结算 向香港结算 出电子认购指示 指示而提出其 另一人士的利益提出申请) 的利益提出申请)保证 理或为该人士利益) 人士利 或该人士或任何 士代理的人士不曾亦不会以 士不曾亦不 白色或黄色色 向香港结算发出 发出电子认购指示 认购指示而提出其他 及(ii) 阁下获正式授权作为该人士的代理 正式授权作为该人 署申请表格或发出 格或发出电子认购指示。 授权书 如 阁下透过授权人士提出申请,本公司及 阁下透过授权人士提出申请, 可按其认为合适的条件(包括出示获授 可按其认为合适的条件(包括 绝 阁下的申请。 价及香港发售股份的分 及香港发售 二零一七年三 二零 股香港发 指 存入  存入 系统投资 系统投 央结算系统 数目。 如 阁下以中央 如 阁下 申请:本公司 在《南华早报 联交所 (ww 户 样版版 cc 、香港公 香港 香港公开发售的 港公开 证�u护照�u香港商业 �u护照�u香港商 站公布。 布。 购香港发售股份 香港发售股份(全部或部分) 部或部分获接纳, 阁下的股票 部分获接纳, 阁下的股票(前提是 月十六日(星期四) 星期四上午八时正香港公开发 上午八时正香港 件而并无终止,股票成为有效的所有权证明) 而并无终止,股票成为有效的所有权证 算代理人名义发出,并按 阁下在申请表格的 理人名义发出,并按 阁下在申请表格 一七年三月十五日 七年三月十五日(星期三)或在特别情况 算或香港结算代理人指定的任何其他日期直接 算或香港结算代理人指定的任何其他日期 算系统,记入 阁下的中央结算系统投资者 系统,记入 阁下的中央结算系统投资者 户口或 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与者 阁下指定的中央结算系统参与 如 阁下透过中央结算系统投资 如 阁下透过中央结算系统 指定中央结算系统参与者提 中央结算系统参与者提 阁下指定的中央结 阁下指定的中 资者户口持有人 资者户口持 统参与者 Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant Personal Data Personal Information Collection Statement This Personal Information Collection Statement informs the applicant for, and holder of, Hong Kong Offer Shares, of the policies and practices of the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar in relation to personal data and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Ordinance”). 1. Reasons for the collection of your personal data It is necessary for applicants and registered holders of securities to supply correct personal data to the Company or its agents and the Hong Kong Share Registrar when applying for securities or transferring securities into or out of their names or in procuring the services of the Hong Kong Share Registrar. Failure to supply the requested data may result in your application for securities being rejected, or in delay or the inability of the Company or its Hong Kong Share Registrar to effect transfers or otherwise render their services. It may also prevent or delay registration or transfers of the Hong Kong Offer Shares which you have successfully applied for and/or the despatch of share certificate(s) and/or refund cheque(s) and/or e-Refund payment instruction(s) to which you are entitled. It is important that securities holders inform the Company and the Hong Kong Share Registrar immediately of any inaccuracies in the personal data supplied. 2. Purposes The personal data of the securities holders may be used, held, processed and/or stored (by whatever means) for the following purposes: processing your application and refund cheque/eRefund payment instruction(s), where applicable, verification of compliance with the terms and application procedures set out in this Application Form and the Prospectus and announcing results of allocation of the Hong Kong Offer Shares; compliance with applicable laws and regulations in Hong Kong and elsewhere; registering new issues or transfers into or out of the names of securities’ holders including, where applicable, HKSCC Nominees; maintaining or updating the register of securities’ holders of the Company; verifying securities holders’ identities; establishing benefit entitlements of securities’ holders of the Company, such as dividends, rights issues and bonus issues; distributing communications from the Company and its subsidiaries; compiling statistical information and shareholder profiles; disclosing relevant information to facilitate claims on entitlements; and any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above and/or to enable the Company and the Hong KongShare Registrar to discharge their obligations to securities’ holders and/or regulators and/ or any other purposes to which the securities’ holders may from time to time agree. 3. Transfer of personal data Personal data held by the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar relating to the securities holders will be kept confidential but the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar may, to the extent necessary for achieving any of the above purposes, disclose or transfer (whether within or outside Hong Kong) the personal data to any of the following: the Company’s appointed agents such as financial advisers, receiving banker and overseas principal share registrar; where applicants for securities request a deposit into CCASS, HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees, who will use the personal data for the purposes of operating CCASS; any agents, contractors or third-party service providers who offer administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or other services to the Company or the Hong Kong Share Registrar in connection with their respective business operation; the Stock Exchange, the SFC and any other statutory regulatory or governmental bodies or otherwise as required by laws, rules or regulations; and any persons or institutions with which the securities’ holders have or propose to have dealings, such as their bankers, solicitors, accountants or stockbrokers etc. 4. Retention of personal data The Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar will keep the personal data of the applicants and holders of securities for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the personal data were collected. Personal data which is no longer required will be destroyed or dealt with in accordance with the Ordinance. 5. Access to and correction of personal data Securities holders have the right to ascertain whether the Company or the Hong Kong Share Registrar hold their personal data, to obtain a copy of that data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. The Company and the Hong Kong Share Registrar have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of such requests. All requests for access to data or correction of data should be addressed to us, at our registered address disclosed in the “Corporate Information” section of the Prospectus or as notified from time to time, for the attention of the company secretary, or the Hong Kong Share Registrar for the attention of the privacy compliance officer. By signing an Application Form or by giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC, you agree to all of the above. 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代码 名称 最新价(港元) 涨幅
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